Sunday, January 23, 2011

Emma's Bed Friends

Emma has really gotten into the habit of making sure she has PLENTY of friends to go to bed with at night, and she makes sure they are very comfortable. Here's the scene from the other night:

As you walk in, notice that baby doll has a nice floor pallet and is covered with a blanket.
 Then notice the big horse/Elmo chair "tent"...

Open up the tent to reveal...

Eeyore is tucked in his tent, complete with blanket covering!


kyna said...

ha ha... Lexi does the same thing! She usually has us pray for her "friends" during prayers.

Lynelle said...

Jboy is similar. He likes to sleep with what seems like every toy he owns. He fills his bed with his tools, trains, cars, name it. After he falls asleep I have to go clear out his bed to make room for him! :)