Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas and New Years Pictures!

We had a great Christmas, with a lot of visits to family and friends! It was great to really see Emma start to enjoy the Christmas Spirit! She definitely knows about presents, but she will also tell you that the reason we get presents is because it is Jesus' birthday! enjoy!

Emma jamming on her new mp3 plays nursery rhymes!

With Grandad Rick, Cousin Zeb, and Gigi:
Emma and her Daddy:
Opening Christmas presents on Christmas morning! She is very excited about her Dora "packpack"
Listening to her personalized greeting from "Santy Claus" Granddad even though she doesn't recognize his voice!

Singing with the musical card:

Can we open presents yet????

Helping Aunt Ronna open her presents:

Dress up as a princess!

The Family on Christmas Day

Playing around:

Showing off her new boots!

Hitting the pinata!

Then, on New Year's Eve, we headed over to Kirk and Janice Holland's house, our good friends from high school. After Emma and their Harrison headed to bed, Daniel and I got to experience RockBand for the first time. It was such a blast! We were so into it we missed the dropping of the ball at 11, and the official New Years at 12!
Kirk showing off his true Rock Star spirit:

Happy New Years Everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Emma is as precious as always! We miss you!!!