Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random Thoughts and Updates....

So I finally joined the crowd of this world called "blogging". After using Emma's Care Page for the past two years to update all of our friends, families, and even strangers about Emma's health, I decided to create this page just to give all of the "normal" updates! I haven't been very good (except on the Care Page) about writing down all of Emma's accomplishments and quirks, so here we go!

To start off, just some simple bullet points of thoughts:

1. If you were unaware of Emma's history, check out her Care Page:, and then her page name is EmmaRoseMontgomery (no spaces). God has been so faithful to us!

2. Emma starts mother's day out tomorrow. I just thought it was a glorified playgroup. nope. It's a preschool. They have curriculum for the month (this month's topic is sharing....that will be interesting for a group of 2-year olds!), posters on the wall stating when everyone's birthday is in the class, announcements of line Emma picked out her first lunch box at Wal-Mart. It's a frog. I didn't really let her look too long at the Disney Princess or Dora boxes. I liked the frog, personally. And I steered her in that direction (she really did like it, I promise). She helped me pack her first lunch tonight. Fish sticks, grapes, cheese, cheerios, and a juice box. Yummy.

3. Emma is starting to potty train on her own!!! On Saturday, I finally got her little potty out of the box while she and Daniel were out. I didn't tell her about it, just put it in her bathroom. Well, that afternoon, Daniel comes and gets me to tell me I have to see this. About this time, Emma comes running into the room with only her shirt on- no pants, diaper. She runs into the bathroom to show me that she had pooped in her own potty! But here's the kicker- she told Daniel after she had done it! She had gone in there, took off her clothes, pooped all by herself!! I'm so proud. Now, she still isn't neccessarily telling us each time before she needs to go, but she has been using it more and more when we ask her!

4. Emma is finally starting to talk more. I've been a little worried because even though she can understand everything you say for over a year....she hasn't felt the need to communicate more than a few hand signals she came up with herself. (I've heard that this it is not uncommon for kids with heart defects to be a little slower on the verbal side, since so much of their energy is focused on the body!) Finally the words are coming...sentences too! It's so much fun actually having a little conversation with her, and finding out exactly what she wants, instead of playing a guessing game with her. Also, she's been able to point out all of the letters in the alphabet for a while now. You call out the letter, she points it out. Tonight, in the bath, I realized that she was picking up a foam letter, calling out its name, and then putting it into her bucket in the bath! I tested her, picking up letters, and asking her what they were...she did a really good job!

5. Continuing with the thought that Emma is a genius in the making....we played the game Memory on the computer the other day. Sixteen cards to match. She made one mistake. Wow. Second time through she wasn't as successful, but she also really wanted to do something else (she doesn't have the longest of attention spans!).

OK....I guess that's all for now. I'll end with some photos from the summer! Enjoy!

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