Friday, September 26, 2008

We love the "pah-hee"

So I think I can almost call it official now. Except for when she sleeps, Emma is POTTY TRAINED at 26 months!!!!!!!!! YEAYEAYEAYEAYEAYAEAYEA!!!! For once, I feel like something in her (and our) life has been a breeze! She really does tell us everytime she needs to go. Today, she wore the same pull-up all day except for a diaper for her nap. Can you say "Let's save some serious $$$$$!!!!!" And she loves her "Oo-ey" (aka "Zoey" from Sesame Street) big girl panties.

So that's the big news for the week. It's been a busy week (as always), but I am looking forward to this weekend, and spending time with my BIG girl!

PS. If you will think of me in your prayers, the middle finger on my left hand is still stiff/sore/wimpy, even almost 2 weeks after the cortizone shot (see the blog about Coffee and Books). I have a follow-up appointment with the Doctor on Columbus Day. It's just frustrating. I feel like I have arthritis at age 29!

1 comment:

Allyson Kellner said...

Halleluiah!!!! That is so awesome!!!!