Sunday, November 9, 2008

The dreaded 3-letter word...

Yep, we have hit that point in Emma's development. A time that all parents know is coming yet they dread so. And all of a sudden it hits you...and you can't escape its power. It's everywhere. All the time. No matter what. The dreaded 3-letter word....


Emma, time to get into the bath... WHY?
Because you need to be clean... WHY?
Because you are dirty... WHY?


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stifle her curiosity (because she sure has it!) by any means, and for the most part, she's not doing it out of disobedience. (even though she does occasionally!) But the word is now firm in her vocabulary as of this weekend.

Oh Well....

In other news, my surgery on Tuesday went well. The tendon shaft on my left middle finger had closed up, so after a cortisone shot didn't clear it up over a month ago, the surgeon just went in and opened it up. The surgery itself only lasted about 15 minutes, but I did get general anethesia. It felt great on Tuesday being knocked out...but not so great on Wednesday...or Thursday...or even Friday! I finally got back to school on Friday (I was originally planning on going on Wednesday!) but my brain still felt about 5 seconds behind the rest of my body. Considering my mind usually works about 100 mph, this was unsettling! Since Friday my body has actually finally righted itself from teh anesthesia, but I have actually had more pain in the actual incision site. I took off the major wrap/bandage on Friday as directed and have just been wearing a bandage over the stitches. Well, without that extra protection it's been a little more sensitive. Of course, then getting some food poisioning Saturday afternoon has just topped off my whole week!

Today, daniel was out and Emma and I were just hanging around at home. Me, trying to move very little due to my stomach problems. When Emma asked "why" to my answer that we couldn't go for a walk, I told her that mommy's stomach didn't feel goo. So she rushed into my bathroom and came back out with the package of band-aids for my hand. When I asked her what they were for, she pulled up my shirt and pointed to my stomach saying "momma's belly"! Of course, I obliged my little nurse and she then gave me several kisses on my band-aids (both stomach and hand!). She took good care of me!


Because she loves me!

Why? :)


Allyson Kellner said...

Glad your surgery went well!

Welcome to another stage of parenting! :-)

Lynelle said...

Sweet nurse you have!

will get "Why" pointers from you in a few months! :)